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St Gertrude's Monastery Residency 2017

Seed Pod Series - Pods from around the world represented in copper with pearls


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"Going Home" $750

9" x 5 3/4" x 5"

Copper, patina, freshwater pearls, stone

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"Tension.Resolve" $800

                   7 1/4" x 8" x 1 1/2"                    Copper and steel with patina, freshwater pearls

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"Rebirth" $450

9 1/2" x 6" x 1"

Copper with patina, black walnut,  freshwater pearls

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"Fools Gold" (Pyrite)

38" x 42" x 36"

Steel, paint and patina finish



"Rex" 2016

48" x 18" x 18"

Copper with patina on redwood base



"Cabbage Flower" pendant lights

15" - 24" across

Copper with patina

$550- $1500

Etched Copper Series 2013

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"Seven Lovelies"  $450   

5" x 10" x 1",  etched copper with patina in steel frame.

Daydreams Perch

"Daydreams Perch" $350

5" x 10" x 1"  Etched copper with patina in steel frame. 

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